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Meditate with Art

The voice of God is often "heard" through image rather than sound. Hidden within the silent metaphors of artistic impressions, whispers of the Holy Spirit can be known and felt.  This section of Oasis dedicated to meditating with art strives to recognize these whispers in an atmosphere of artistic beauty and quiet that will foster a deeper "soul" conversation with the God who is beyond the spoken word.

The art objects below are presented as a "window" or a "meeting place" between ourselves and God. We hope that you may find a capacity to move through and beyond to "contact" God in a direct, personal way— creating a time of communion in which you can be inspired, healed, reconciled, challenged, and nourished.

Mediating with art is a practical devotional tool that is highly portable.  Print out these images and use this approach wherever you are. The presence and strength of God are all around us, all the time. Whenever we reach out in Faith, God will meet us there with power.