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Blowing the Lid Off the God-Box: Opening Up to a Limitless Faith
Blowing the Lid off the God-Box: Opening up to a limitless faith by Anne Robertson

 Trade Paperback, pages 128
Published: 04/01/2005
Publisher: Morehouse Publishing
ISBN: 0819221783
Price: $14.95

What’s in your God-box? Each of us, says author Anne Robertson, builds our own way of understanding God—our “God-box”—and fills it up with bits of scripture, wisdom from here and there, and our experience of God at work in our lives. It’s a perfectly good way for human beings to puzzle out who God is and what God means to us. Encountering God through our human limitations, we learn something about the meaning of Incarnation.

But to say that our experience of God is the only valid one is to put a lid on the box and create an idol. This book is about examining our God-boxes and bursting them wide open. Blowing the Lid Off the God-Box starts with the ministry of Jesus, who blew the lid off everyone’s God-box by constantly challenging his followers with the unexpected. Other chapters examine the God-boxes we create with scripture, worship, and political and social agendas.

In a world marked by extremism on both the right and left, the author calls readers to spiritual balance as they learn to integrate others’ experiences of God, rather than insisting on their own. This is a thoughtful, scripture-based book that encourages readers to blow open the lids of their God-box to find a broader, more open understanding of God and others.


Though she was called to preach at the age of 14, the Rev. Anne Robertson wrestled with the idea of women in the ministry and did not enter the Candler School of Theology at Emory University until she was 33 years old. In June of 2000, she received the Wilbur C. Ziegler Award for Excellence in Preaching from the New England Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. In 2001, she was accepted into the Pastor-Theologian Program, sponsored by the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton New Jersey. Her work in this ecumenical program designed to encourage church renewal through theological reflection led to the development of her book Blowing the Lid off the God-Box, published by Morehouse in the spring of 2005.


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 Also available at amazon.com.