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Tools for your Journey
Written by Margaret W. Jones

Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads, and look, And ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way lies; and walk in it, And find rest for your souls.
—Jeremiah 6:16

Stand at the crossroads:  if only we did that more consciously.  Everyone comes to crossroads: in relationships, in careers, in all sorts of personal decisions. Jeremiah spoke to the people of his time with great urgency. What he urged them to do was STAND. Of all the times in our lives, a crossroad time is the time to stand, not run or even walk. Stand; breathe; pray.

And ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies:  We live in a time when most of us look to the future, to "progress," to goals.  How wise Jeremiah was to tell the people to ask for the ancient paths, to ask to be reminded of their foundations, to seek the paths where the good way lies.  What are those roads in my life?When did I know I was walking in and on the good way?

And walk in it: Now it is time to walk. Walk, not run. After standing, after prayerful consideration of the past, after plenty of time for God to guide us in making our decision, walk. What a good and joyful thing it is to make a decision grounded in prayer and contemplation. 

And find rest for your souls:  Rest. Peace. Conviction that we have made the best decision we can. Those are the byproducts of the process we have undertaken, guided by Jeremiah's words. 

Gracious and loving God, thank you for the words of your servant, the prophet Jeremiah. Help me to remember these words and this life-giving process whenever I make important decisions. Amen.

Copyright @ 2009 Margaret Jones.