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Let There Be Light
Written by Margaret W. Jones

Then God said, “Let there be light;” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
—Genesis 1:3-4

God’s first words in the Old Testament are “Let there be light.”  And, according to the book of Genesis, there was light, and the light was good. Please note that this is not the sun, or the moon; those “lights” will come into being on the fourth day. This singular light is Light, the powerful, revealing, and healing emanation of God.  

When I pray for others, and myself, the prayer I most often use is, “May God's healing, holy LIGHT fill you, surround you, sustain you and give you peace.” I have offered this as a prayer “tool” to those who ask me about praying. “Use God’s LIGHT like a laser,” I say. “Focus it on a particular part of the body, or on a particular person.  No words are necessary, just Light.” 

Light’s opposite is, of course, darkness—darkness within and without.  Most of us have experienced dark times, not to mention dark thoughts. God knows, there is darkness in every person, every family, every community and every nation. This passage from Genesis reminds us powerfully that when God said. “Let there be light,” there was light, separated from the darkness. And the light was good.

Do we honor the power of words? Do our words bring light, or darkness? How can we be light-bearers, to our families and communities? Years ago, in a very dark time in my life, I was given an affirmation to say repeatedly: “I am a child of God, one with God’s light and wisdom. I see my way clearly.”  I did not feel that way, and I could not see clearly, but I did say those words over and over, day after day, until one bright morning, I could say them and know they were true.

May God grant each of us Light, and inspire us to bring Light to others. 

Lighten our darkness, O Lord, and come among us, today and forever. Amen.

Copyright © 2010 Margaret Jones.