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Written by Michael R. Sullivan

By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us...to guide our feet into the way of peace.
—Luke 1:79

At the beginning of each new year, people gather to celebrate as nighttime falls on markets and squares in the East, Piccadilly in London, and Times Square in New York. Revelers young and old ring bells, set fireworks ablaze, and cheer in hope of a new day.

And much, much hope there is. While we live in the midst of a divided era, when war, unrest and division often claim the news, we also live in a time when we know more about each other than ever before in the history of the planet.

The internet and e-mail have made connecting with people around the globe not only possible but easy, effortless, and customary. We read more about each other's cultures, we know more about the multiple religions of the globe, and we even share each others food. The oneness of the earth is all around us.

As we ring in the new year, we are called to live for peace on earth. As people wandering the pathways of a sacred life, we are called to open the door to a new era where divisions cease and hostilities end. For Jesus proclaimed a new day in this world God so loves. He claimed the tender mercy of God for each of us—not for us to be right, to know the straight and narrow path, but in order that we might help open the floodgates of love and peace for all.

That's a tall, tall order. But Jesus proclaimed it a long time ago. It's time for all of us to walk the sacred path with him and to usher in a new day, a new year, a new era.

God, you have already proclaimed a new day in our midst. Give us hope and courage to claim it as our own and to live together as your people throughout the world. Amen.

Copyright ©2008 Michael Sullivan.