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Tools for your Journey
Written by Renée Miller

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks; your name is near. People tell of your wondrous deeds.
—Psalm 75:1

We are often most thankful for that which we don’t expect, that which we don’t deserve, that which shocks us out of our complacency.

It might be the feel of a cool breeze after a day hot with conflict. It might be waking in the deep darkness of a winter morning to find the ground blanketed with snow. It might be sinking our toes into sand so wet, thick, and heavy every step is a small massage. It might be the diamonds that glimmer in the sky only in the blackest darkness. It might be the sight of a pumpkin-colored moon swollen with the desire to light up the earth.

Each day, indeed each moment, the works of God are interrupting our lives, and every time we are awake to the movement of God’s hand in creation, our hearts inflate with thanksgiving.

It is not that we set out to pray a prayer of thanksgiving. It is that the very surprise catches our breath, and what escapes from our heart are words of thanks. The prayer may be little more than, “Wow!” or “Ah!” Or, there may be no words at all—we may only notice the quickened beat of our heart that calls out our gratitude with each thump.

We cannot really plan for such prayers of thanks for the wondrous works of God in creation. We can only attempt to keep our eyes and ears open, our heart enlarged, our soul awake. And even if we are unable to do that, God will still surprise us.

O God, let my soul be attentive to the mysteries of the universe that will fill me with humility and gratitude.