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Tools for your Journey
Written by Cleophes Carter, Jr.

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you, and watch.
—Psalm 5:3

What is your first thought when you wake up in the morning? The meeting you’re dreading? Your cup of coffee from Starbuck's?  What you’re going to wear? How late it is? Who you're going to see? Walking the dog? What you were worrying about when you went to sleep the previous evening? 

The first thoughts and images that pass through our minds when we awake often set the tone for our entire day. We often are not even aware of the power of those first thoughts until the day is over and we realize where our mind and emotions have been all day.

Each new morning is like the empty canvas of an artist—full of potential and possibility. As an artist prepares to paint, their emotions, the inner pictures in their mind, the creative ideas that have formed in their soul are what gets placed on the canvas.  Each day is like that for the soul.

If we get into the habit of placing ourselves in the presence of God when we wake, the images and words that come from us that day will be touched by heaven. A few moments with God each new morning can completely alter our day. What we put onto the canvas of the day will be quantitatively and qualitatively different than if our first thought is about our morning coffee or an upcoming meeting.

Why not try it for a week? The moment you open your eyes to greet a new day, simply let go of any thoughts that are filling your mind and begin to whisper a prayer of gratitude. Sit in God’s presence and see what pictures are painted on your soul. You may be surprised how your day turns out. You may find that a week of this practice leads to a lifetime of mornings begun with thanks.

Gracious God, when morning breaks across the sky, let me wake to your presence.

Copyright ©2009 Cleophes Carter, Jr.