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Tools for your Journey
Written by Michael R. Sullivan

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.”
—Matthew 5:17

As Christians, we believe that Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets. That's a loaded statement. What it means to others it certainly does not mean to all. But at the heart of the Christian message is the notion that in Christ all is fulfilled and the Kingdom has come.

What then does it mean for you to live in this Kingdom as a follower of Christ? For me, it's the realization that Christ has already accomplished all. Through the cross and the empty tomb, God has claimed the reconciling love of new life for all people. That work has been accomplished. There is no more for God to do. My task as a Christian is to reveal that love to others so that their journey may also include the fulfillment of the law and the prophets.

How do I do that? How do I live into the Kingdom? It means that I am drawn more and more to questions of justice and peace for all people. Living into the Kingdom means working to clear the way in our world's dark places for Easter's transforming light.

When I see destruction, oppression, or degradation, I am called to follow the way of Christ and work to help others. It is my job as a Christian to declare God's love and freedom for all God's people, to spread the Easter joy of God's Kingdom.

How are you declaring the fulfillment of the law and prophets in your life? How are you called by God to reveal the work of Christ in the world? What area are you asked to reveal so that God's light can shine in the darkness?

Gracious and loving God, help me to bear the light of your hope to all people. Help me discover your call in my life so that I can see where your light is needed and where I am called to take it. Through your son, Christ our Lord. Amen.

Copyright ©Michael Sullivan 2009.