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Written by Michael R. Sullivan

The Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces [of meat] with marrow, and refined aged wines.
—Isaiah 25:6

(New English Version)

There is one overarching memory of my boyhood that pervades my soul: Sundays at my grandparents' house.

Each week, just after church, we would pile into the car and head off to Sunday dinner at the farm. And week after week, we would sit down to an incredible amount of food: ham, chicken, green beans, lima beans, mashed potatoes, rice, macaroni and cheese, and then as if that were not enough, a choice of at least one cake and one pie. It was a feast and my grandmother smiled from ear to ear.    

It was so much a part of the fabric of our lives that I didn't notice how ridiculous it was! For you see, I was an only child and my mother was an only child. There were only five of us at the table. Just five with enough food for 20.    

Looking back, I am amazed at the incredible love my grandmother was giving all of us in this weekly feast. An intensely private lady, she never really showered anyone with compliments or gestures of affection. But when Sunday came, she gave it all she had. She reached deep within her soul to pull out all she could—and she did, week after week.    

Isn't it the same with God? God can feel somewhat private, removed or even uninterested. But in reality, God is always the one who has given us more than we need in this wonderful world. God has blessed us with a daily feast if we can only open our eyes and take it in. But if we merely take it for granted, we miss the point—the true main course—the love.    

God, thank you for giving me all that I need. Help me see more of the blessings you graciously give that I might be more thankful and begin feasting in your kingdom. Amen.

Copyright ©2006 Michael R. Sullivan.