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Written by William A. Kolb

Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
—Genesis 18:14a

Abraham—who was to become the father of three religions and the physical father of his beloved son Isaac—had grown old. His wife Sarah, who was his partner and “helpmeet,” continued by his side all these years. Sarah was now far past childbearing.

One day three men stopped at their home, and Abraham and Sarah provided gracious hospitality. Scripture tells us that through these three men, “The Lord appeared to Abraham…” During their visit, the men promised that Sarah would soon bear a child. Sarah’s response, as she listened at the door of her tent, was laughter.

She said to herself, “After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?” And the Lord, speaking through one of the visitors, asked, “Why did Sarah laugh? Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?”

This is an inspiring story however you look at it. If you believe things happened exactly as recorded (including the aged Sarah actually giving birth), then this story is a wonderful example of what God can do in your life, in my life, in the lives of all of us. If you do not believe it to be literally true, you can take strength and comfort in the story as a spiritual metaphor for all that the Lord can do in our lives.

There is a good reason that a story or parable or any text is included in scripture. Sometimes truth is more powerful than fact. For a story like this to be included in the Old Testament and then survive to our day (a span of about three thousand years), that’s pretty good evidence that it contains Truth about God and God’s relationship with us.

God visits us all the time. God is present with us and brings us good news. News of healing—healing of barren spirits, barren relationships, barren lives. He promises all kinds of good surprises. I would say that the only way we will be denied God’s good surprises for us, is if we decide that they cannot happen. Even then, it’s possible.

Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? No. God is with us and God seeks to give us good things.

Lord, help me to expect you, to receive you, to believe in you. Amen.

Copyright ©2007 William A. Kolb.