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Tools for your Journey
Written by Michael R. Sullivan

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy. For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.
—Isaiah 35:5-6

When was the last time you found a stream, sat by it, and just listened? And when was the last time you heard the babbling voice of God amidst the pebbles, stones and caresses of water winding its way through this world God so loves?

Most of us long for such moments, but in the midst of a busy world, we forget to seek them. We run to and fro, agenda to agenda, and forget to listen, just listen for the voice of God. But the truth is: whether we have time to visit actual streams or not, we have time for God if we take it. God’s voice is within, waiting patiently for our return to the sounds of the one who loves us more than we can imagine.

I’ve found that a few simple moments in the morning have a profound effect upon my day. When I remember to sit quietly and listen for the voice of God, I remain more centered and focused no matter what unfolds in the streams of the day before me. Sometimes I come away with a sense of direction, not really in words or instructions, but in a sense of peace, grace, and mercy. At other times, I hear and experience nothing.

The craziness of my life is hard to leave behind in the silence I seek, and life seems like a raging river. In those moments, hearing the voice of God under the rocks appears to be impossible—unless of course I realize that God is splashing with me, churning the sand and silt from the bottom of life and calling forth in whitewater and foam.

Most of the time, the pausing is enough—just enough to open space for God. It opens me to grace, hope, and beauty. When we take the time to pause, reflect on God’s love and presence in our lives, and remember whose we are, we tend to hear the beauty of the babbling brook within us.

So find the stream today and listen. Pausing with God can make all the difference.

Help me discover the streams along life’s journey and pause with you to listen for the meaning amidst it all. Amen.

Copyright © 2006 Michael Sullivan.