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Tools for your Journey
Written by Cleophes Carter, Jr.

Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
—James 1:12

Temptation is best understood once we have recognized that we’ve been tempted. It takes courage and strength to say the words, “I have been tempted and failed, or I have been tempted and I overcame—this time.” 

Sin does not discriminate; it applies its poison equally to everyone. If by chance we manage to overcome any tempting encounter, it isn’t by self-will alone—it is God standing there in the midst of the garden with us. It’s a daily struggle to stay on the path that leads to spiritual wholeness. Yet, always we need to know that God is love, God is peace, and God is our strength when the struggle is too difficult to manage alone.

Most people aren’t suited to bear the anxiety of being tempted. The lure that deceit dangles in clear sight is directly tied to either our strengths or our weaknesses. Sometimes it can be a combination of the two. Our best defense is to know ourselves thoroughly enough to ask God for support through troubled times.

We need to ask for God’s grace and mercy. If we learn to do this fervently, we will receive the crown of life as a promise from the Lord. Whenever we experience temptation or uncertainty, all we need is to pray for God’s guidance to lead us toward spiritual victory.

Gracious God, unveil what is not yet seen in my life that I may walk in peace.

Copyright ©2009 Cleophes Carter, Jr.