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The Holy Days
There is no single way to journey through Lent. We know our destination— the glorious resurrection of Christ and joy that is Easter. And we also know that following the footsteps of Jesus will take us through places of deep searching and self-examination. Yet the way we travel this road is as personal as the insights we'll find during this six weeks of looking inward,  taking stock and reflecting on what is holding us apart from God's embrace.

explorefaith offers here some travelers assistance: A daily Signpost, offered online and via e-mail; a Lenten toolbox filled with reflections and questions to help you move forward; quotes of great insight and inspiration on a daily calendar; and a modern-day examination of some of Lent's ancient practices. These offerings and others can be used as equipment—the maps, guide books, walking shoes and compass that will keep you headed in the right direction.

A trip that begins on Ash Wednesday will not be easy. Yet the difficult terrain of this  journey is always followed by rebirth and renewal. Beginning with the Ash Wednesday reflections, use the material below to travel with great care and anticipation.