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Days of Grace
Written By Mary C. Earle
If you are living with illness, please use these meditations at a pace that best fits you. There's no need to be "on task." You may find that you read a meditation that does not speak to you. Skip it! You can come back to it later. 

Most of all, use these meditations (and the practices, if you are so inclined) in a way that supports your own physical, spiritual and mental health. If you have questions about whether a particular practice is appropriate for your condition, check with your physician, or your spiritual director, or other caregiver.

Part One: Days 1-10: listen | read
Part Two: Days 11-20: listen | read

Day Twenty-One: How Dear to Me is Your Dwelling
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Two: Pilgrims' Way
listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Three: A Place of Spring
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Four: Do You Work Wonders for the Dead?
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Five: Lord, You Have Searched Me and Known Me
listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Six: You Trace My Journey and My Resting Places
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Seven: Where Can I Flee from Your Presence?
listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty-Eight: Darkness is not Dark to You
listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Twenty- Nine: I will Thank You
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read

Day Thirty: My Body Was Not Hidden from You
listen | read
Practice: listen | read