If you are living with illness, please use these meditations at a pace that best fits you. There's no need to be "on task." You may find that you read a meditation that does not speak to you. Skip it! You can come back to it later.
Most of all, use these meditations (and the practices, if you are so inclined) in a way that supports your own physical, spiritual and mental health. If you have questions about whether a particular practice is appropriate for your condition, check with your physician, or your spiritual director, or other caregiver.
Part One: Days 1-10: listen | read
Part Three: Days 21-30: listen | read
Day Eleven: What Holds You Captive
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Twelve: Deep Mire
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Thirteen: Answer Me
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Fourteen: Afflicted and in Pain
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Fifteen: Strengthen My Heart
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Sixteen: When My Mind Became Embittered
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Seventeen: We Give You Thanks
Meditation: listen |read
Practice: listen | read
Day Eighteen: The God Who Works Wonders
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Nineteen: He Led Them
Meditation: listen | read
Practice: listen | read
Day Twenty: He Provided for Them Food
Meditation: listen| read
Practice: listen | read